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TTRPG Studio Wiki Hosting


This is the homepage for Brave Adventures' wiki hosting service. To get your own wiki, all you need to do is back us on Patreon at $6 or more. Supporting us on Patreon also gives you access to all our Paper Miniatures through our layout tool TTRPG Studio.

Why do I need a wiki?

Wikis are a great way to organize and keep track of information related to your RPG Campaign. You can keep a record of play sessions, track the relationships between NPCs, factions and game locations, and players can use it to keep in-game diaries for Bonus XP! We've used Wikis for our own games, and we thought it would be a helpful service to provide to our Patrons as well.


Image Galleries

Add image galleries to your wiki pages.

Display Images

Upload and display images in your wiki! Bard

Relationship Charts

Easily generate relationship flow charts using a simple intuitive syntax.

graph TD; King_Rothus-->Prince_Calazar; Prince_Calazar-->Hekzablar; King_Rothus-->Hekzablar; Hekzablar-->Queen_Gertrude;

Image Maps

Easily create image maps with clickable areas that link to wiki pages. Try clicking on the castle in the map below.

|Example Map

King Rothus' Castle

Type normal wiki markup here. Links will be automatically detected and used in the image map.

King Rothus' Castle

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